Friday, 6 December 2019

what ive done in term 4

1 maths buddy
2 prototec
3  maths maitanace
4 basic facts

Writing creative writing

Tec i chose the aroha box with mrs cowfin in the digital tecnologies

Digital work maths buddy prototec

On the other we are doing queen for our concert as in old freddie murcury
i want it all i want it all i want it all and i want it NOW!!!( he does want it all by the looks of it)

Friday, 15 November 2019

little red

little red went to see grandma in the woods and found somebody folowing her see turned around and boo a girl

Jumped out and said to her ‘ hello little girl were are heading to’ and she said ; to grandmas in the woods; and then the girl said ‘ ahh but your forgetting all the flowers’ little red said ; thank you ms girl ; and then the wolf dashed to grandas and swolled her whole. When littlke red arived and saw grandma she was surpried to see her grandma was difrent

Little red said ‘ what big ears you have’ all the better to hear you with my dear ‘ what big eyes you have’ all the better to see you with my dear’ what big teeth you have’ all the better to eat you with my dear and he swolled her whole luky a wood chopper herd her painful scream he ran to grandmas and found that the girlwas sleeping so he slit the wolf in half and grandma little crawled out and they all lived happely ever after the end.
Cars listImage result for mitsubishi lancer turbo
1 mitsubishi lancerImage result for Toyota Land Cruiser
2 toyota land cruiser
3 ford falcon v8 uteImage result for Ford Falcon V8 ute
4 holden commodore v8 ute malooImage result for holden commodore ss v8 ute
5 honda civic turboImage result for Honda Civic turbo
6 nissan datsun turbo uteImage result for Nissan Datsun turbo ute
7 range rover sport v8 twin turboImage result for Range Rover sport v8 twin turbo
8 1960 land rover Image result for 1960 Land Rover
9 pagani huayra
10 ferrari laferrariImage result for Pagani Huayra
11 lotus sportImage result for Ferrari LaFerrari
12 chrysler 300s v8 twin turbo
13 maserati v12Image result for lotus sport
14 jeep grand cherokee v8 turboImage result for Chrysler 300 S
15 1950 triumph(cars)
16 chevy  c10 uteImage result for maserati v12

17 cadillac customImage result for 1950 Chevy ImpalaImage result for jeep grand cherokee v8 turboImage result for Cadillac customImage result for Chevy C10 ute


 this is my atletcs story should everyone do it Well i say NO! Because I think kids are already fit enough. Sometimes it takes till 6:00pm i don’t like that idea at all. I would rather be riding my dirt bike. I don't like spending my tuesday nights at sports I don't even like saying it ahpethetics. The best sports im good at is sitting down hahahahaha. now you know my story of atpethtics   

my reflection

My reflection of reading rotation

I have read the perfect shot which was a story about a camera shot in the forest. I ve also read log loading which is a story about logs getting cut down.

Thursday, 31 October 2019


Image result for grim reaper
webcam-toy-photo2 (8).jpgon wensday thursday 31st of october we did some halloween rotations the photo up the top is me in one of our rotations that was dress ups that is me as an indian lady it was fun i liked it. #see ya#

Friday, 27 September 2019

what ive learnt in term 3

In term 3 ive lernt Japanese. Japanese was so fun i learnt some of the language. ill tell you some words sayonara bye  witashi no namme rykar desu hello my name is rykar. domo?  konichi WA hello thats enough for today and remember its the last day of school for me YAY.

Tuesday, 24 September 2019


hi guys this is my enlargement of stuey it was fun to draw my yellow little freind it took me 5 mins yay

Tuesday, 10 September 2019


today unbeleveble i did another maths buddy task todays one was about reflection.


we are studying japan because our teacher is awesome and went to japan the only thing that scared her was the bullet train because she meet a friend in there that lifted her over people and out of the train. This is my sushi!

my big day

this week i actually got 1 maths buddy task done. Yay! I hadn't done it in 3 months! can you believe it? I was keeping track of how long it was since the last time I did it. Thats enough

Friday, 30 August 2019

my poster art

Friday, 14 June 2019


on Friday we planted garlic in the school garden with Mr meek who is very nice the best thing to plant garlic in is cow poo and pea straw i hoed once and planted some garlic i cant wait till next year to eat it.

Wednesday, 12 June 2019


Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Friday, 29 March 2019

this is my multiplication dlo this was fun to do

what am i

we did what am i with mrs costello her 3 item were candr floss cola sponge

brunner mine

on Friday the 22 of march we went to the brunner plus the stillwater  cemaratay