Monday 20 April 2020

why my bubble is cool

my bubble is cool because...
1 we eat yummy foods
2 lots of love
3 cool music
4 my mum is in it
5 my brother is in it


  1. Hi Rykar

    It sounds like you are having lots of fun in your bubble. It is great that you have your Mum and Brother. Tell me about the yummy foods that you are talking about?
    I have my husband and daughter in my bubble, we are getting lots of jobs done at my house!
    I hope that you are liking the online learning, keep up the great work while you are at home. I look forward to reading some more of your work while we are all at home!

    Talk again soon

    Mrs Costello :)

  2. By Jeez, by Jingoes, by Crikey...its my old buddy Rykar!

    How are you doing? You know you can reply to these comments a?

    Your bubble sounds lovely. What cool music have you been listening to? I've been listening to Elton John, Kings of Leon, Tom Petty, Pink Floyd and (because of Billie) Billie Eilish.
    My favourite Kings of Leon song at the moment is called "Pick Up Truck" you should google it. I think you would love it.

    I like my bubble too.

    Mrs Gully

  3. Kia ora Rykar, Your bubble writing describes really important ways we can enjoy our bubbles- family, food and music! Have you tried any new recipes?


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.